The io module

The io module enables loading of different input formats and conversion to different output formats.

Currently the following input/output formats are supported:



mol2 (file, text)


pdb (file, text)


mol2 (file, text)


pdb (file)


%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from import DataFrame
from import Rdkit
from import Biopython

from pathlib import Path
DATA_PATH = Path("../../opencadd/tests/data/io")
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole

Load structural data as DataFrame

Return data from different input formats as DataFrame with the following default columns:

  • Atom serial number.

  • Atom name.

  • atom.x, atom.y, atom.z: Orthogonal coordinates for X, Y, Z in Angstroms.

  • atom.charge: Atom charge.

  • residue.pdb_id: Residue PDB ID.

  • Residue name.

It is also possible to return a DataFrame in the verbose version, that contains additional columns available in the input format (but not in other input formats).

Columns available from the mol2 format only are:

  • atom.type: SYBYL atom type set in the mol2 format.

  • residue.subst_id: ID number of the substructure containing the atom.

  • residue.subst_name: Name of the substructure containing the atom: Residue name + residue PDB ID.

Columns available in the pdb format only are:

  • Record name set in the pdb format, i.e. ATOM or HETATM.

  • atom.symbol: Atom symbol.

  • atom.occupancy: Atom occupancy.

  • atom.bfactor: Atom B factor.

  • atom.alternative_model: Alternative atom positions.

  • structure.chain: Structure chain.

From the mol2 format

Check out the mol2 format here.

From mol2 files: Return a mol2 file’s content as DataFrame (mol2 files can have 9 (default) or 10 columns).

# Mol2 files with 10 columns
DataFrame.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz_chainA_protein.mol2")
[5]: atom.x atom.y atom.z
0 1 N 3.5231 35.933102 15.596400 697 GLU
1 2 H1 3.0492 36.782101 15.323000 697 GLU
2 3 H2 3.1546 35.156300 15.066500 697 GLU
3 4 H3 4.5121 36.026001 15.414000 697 GLU
4 5 CA 3.3077 35.690701 17.044600 697 GLU
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4876 4877 HD2 3.5410 42.831100 42.216801 1019 PRO
4877 4878 HD3 1.9924 43.615398 42.610600 1019 PRO
4878 4879 N 3.6128 43.025902 38.110600 1020 GLN
4879 4880 H1 4.0174 42.840500 37.203999 1020 GLN
4880 4881 H2 4.1575 42.873901 38.947399 1020 GLN

4881 rows × 7 columns

# Mol2 files with 9 columns
DataFrame.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz_protein.mol2")
[6]: atom.x atom.y atom.z
0 1 C -68.010002 -5.498000 -49.028000 697 GLU
1 2 O -67.916000 -4.916000 -50.118999 697 GLU
2 3 CA -67.651001 -6.991000 -48.900002 697 GLU
3 4 N -67.939003 -7.787000 -50.118999 697 GLU
4 5 CB -66.192001 -7.196000 -48.494999 697 GLU
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4878 4879 H1 -55.506401 -10.457300 -32.785599 3035 HOH
4879 4880 H2 -55.441399 -9.182800 -31.851601 3035 HOH
4880 4881 O -58.311001 -15.659000 -30.250999 3045 HOH
4881 4882 H1 -58.885601 -15.679400 -31.069201 3045 HOH
4882 4883 H2 -57.761101 -16.492201 -30.310301 3045 HOH

4883 rows × 7 columns

In order to get all columns from the input, set verbose=True.

DataFrame.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz_chainA_protein.mol2", verbose=True)
[7]: atom.x atom.y atom.z atom.type residue.subst_id residue.subst_name atom.charge
0 1 N 3.5231 35.933102 15.596400 697 GLU N.4 1 GLU697 1.0
1 2 H1 3.0492 36.782101 15.323000 697 GLU H 1 GLU697 0.0
2 3 H2 3.1546 35.156300 15.066500 697 GLU H 1 GLU697 0.0
3 4 H3 4.5121 36.026001 15.414000 697 GLU H 1 GLU697 0.0
4 5 CA 3.3077 35.690701 17.044600 697 GLU C.3 1 GLU697 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4876 4877 HD2 3.5410 42.831100 42.216801 1019 PRO H 302 PRO1019 0.0
4877 4878 HD3 1.9924 43.615398 42.610600 1019 PRO H 302 PRO1019 0.0
4878 4879 N 3.6128 43.025902 38.110600 1020 GLN 303 GLN1020 0.0
4879 4880 H1 4.0174 42.840500 37.203999 1020 GLN H 303 GLN1020 0.0
4880 4881 H2 4.1575 42.873901 38.947399 1020 GLN H 303 GLN1020 0.0

4881 rows × 11 columns

From mol2 text: Return a mol2 string (text) as DataFrame. This functionality is useful if you are fetching data directly from a website like PDB or KLIFS.

# Let's load a file's content as string (text) to simulate example input data
with open(DATA_PATH / "2itz_chainA_protein.mol2", "r") as f:
    text =
DataFrame.from_text(text, "mol2")
[9]: atom.x atom.y atom.z
0 1 N 3.5231 35.933102 15.596400 697 GLU
1 2 H1 3.0492 36.782101 15.323000 697 GLU
2 3 H2 3.1546 35.156300 15.066500 697 GLU
3 4 H3 4.5121 36.026001 15.414000 697 GLU
4 5 CA 3.3077 35.690701 17.044600 697 GLU
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4876 4877 HD2 3.5410 42.831100 42.216801 1019 PRO
4877 4878 HD3 1.9924 43.615398 42.610600 1019 PRO
4878 4879 N 3.6128 43.025902 38.110600 1020 GLN
4879 4880 H1 4.0174 42.840500 37.203999 1020 GLN
4880 4881 H2 4.1575 42.873901 38.947399 1020 GLN

4881 rows × 7 columns

DataFrame.from_text(text, "mol2", verbose=True)
[10]: atom.x atom.y atom.z atom.type residue.subst_id residue.subst_name atom.charge
0 1 N 3.5231 35.933102 15.596400 697 GLU N.4 1 GLU697 1.0
1 2 H1 3.0492 36.782101 15.323000 697 GLU H 1 GLU697 0.0
2 3 H2 3.1546 35.156300 15.066500 697 GLU H 1 GLU697 0.0
3 4 H3 4.5121 36.026001 15.414000 697 GLU H 1 GLU697 0.0
4 5 CA 3.3077 35.690701 17.044600 697 GLU C.3 1 GLU697 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4876 4877 HD2 3.5410 42.831100 42.216801 1019 PRO H 302 PRO1019 0.0
4877 4878 HD3 1.9924 43.615398 42.610600 1019 PRO H 302 PRO1019 0.0
4878 4879 N 3.6128 43.025902 38.110600 1020 GLN 303 GLN1020 0.0
4879 4880 H1 4.0174 42.840500 37.203999 1020 GLN H 303 GLN1020 0.0
4880 4881 H2 4.1575 42.873901 38.947399 1020 GLN H 303 GLN1020 0.0

4881 rows × 11 columns

From the pdb format

Check out the pdb format here.

From pdb file: Return a pdb file’s content as DataFrame (ATOM and HETATM entries only).

DataFrame.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz.pdb")
[11]: atom.x atom.y atom.z
0 1 N -67.939003 -7.787000 -50.118999 697 GLU
1 2 CA -67.651001 -6.991000 -48.900002 697 GLU
2 3 C -68.010002 -5.498000 -49.028000 697 GLU
3 4 O -67.916000 -4.916000 -50.118999 697 GLU
4 5 CB -66.192001 -7.196000 -48.494999 697 GLU
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2507 2509 O -54.306000 6.613000 -8.937000 3061 HOH
2508 2510 O -54.908001 17.349001 -15.693000 3062 HOH
2509 2511 O -61.183998 -5.126000 -41.009998 3063 HOH
2510 2512 O -60.660999 8.159000 -21.872000 3064 HOH
2511 2513 O -69.189003 8.275000 -36.944000 3065 HOH

2512 rows × 7 columns

In order to get all columns from the input, set verbose=True.

DataFrame.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz.pdb", verbose=True)
[12]: atom.x atom.y atom.z atom.symbol atom.occupancy atom.bfactor atom.alternative_model structure.chain
0 1 N -67.939003 -7.787000 -50.118999 697 GLU ATOM N 1.0 62.040001 A
1 2 CA -67.651001 -6.991000 -48.900002 697 GLU ATOM C 1.0 61.730000 A
2 3 C -68.010002 -5.498000 -49.028000 697 GLU ATOM C 1.0 60.290001 A
3 4 O -67.916000 -4.916000 -50.118999 697 GLU ATOM O 1.0 61.189999 A
4 5 CB -66.192001 -7.196000 -48.494999 697 GLU ATOM C 1.0 62.389999 A
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2507 2509 O -54.306000 6.613000 -8.937000 3061 HOH HETATM O 1.0 66.239998 A
2508 2510 O -54.908001 17.349001 -15.693000 3062 HOH HETATM O 1.0 58.820000 A
2509 2511 O -61.183998 -5.126000 -41.009998 3063 HOH HETATM O 1.0 37.119999 A
2510 2512 O -60.660999 8.159000 -21.872000 3064 HOH HETATM O 1.0 48.790001 A
2511 2513 O -69.189003 8.275000 -36.944000 3065 HOH HETATM O 1.0 44.000000 A

2512 rows × 13 columns

From pdb text: Return a pdb string (text) as DataFrame (ATOM and HETATM entries only).

# Let's load a file's content as string (text) to simulate example input data
with open(DATA_PATH / "2itz.pdb", "r") as f:
    text =
DataFrame.from_text(text, "pdb")
[14]: atom.x atom.y atom.z
0 1 N -67.939003 -7.787000 -50.118999 697 GLU
1 2 CA -67.651001 -6.991000 -48.900002 697 GLU
2 3 C -68.010002 -5.498000 -49.028000 697 GLU
3 4 O -67.916000 -4.916000 -50.118999 697 GLU
4 5 CB -66.192001 -7.196000 -48.494999 697 GLU
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2507 2509 O -54.306000 6.613000 -8.937000 3061 HOH
2508 2510 O -54.908001 17.349001 -15.693000 3062 HOH
2509 2511 O -61.183998 -5.126000 -41.009998 3063 HOH
2510 2512 O -60.660999 8.159000 -21.872000 3064 HOH
2511 2513 O -69.189003 8.275000 -36.944000 3065 HOH

2512 rows × 7 columns

DataFrame.from_text(text, "pdb", verbose=True)
[15]: atom.x atom.y atom.z atom.symbol atom.occupancy atom.bfactor atom.alternative_model structure.chain
0 1 N -67.939003 -7.787000 -50.118999 697 GLU ATOM N 1.0 62.040001 A
1 2 CA -67.651001 -6.991000 -48.900002 697 GLU ATOM C 1.0 61.730000 A
2 3 C -68.010002 -5.498000 -49.028000 697 GLU ATOM C 1.0 60.290001 A
3 4 O -67.916000 -4.916000 -50.118999 697 GLU ATOM O 1.0 61.189999 A
4 5 CB -66.192001 -7.196000 -48.494999 697 GLU ATOM C 1.0 62.389999 A
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2507 2509 O -54.306000 6.613000 -8.937000 3061 HOH HETATM O 1.0 66.239998 A
2508 2510 O -54.908001 17.349001 -15.693000 3062 HOH HETATM O 1.0 58.820000 A
2509 2511 O -61.183998 -5.126000 -41.009998 3063 HOH HETATM O 1.0 37.119999 A
2510 2512 O -60.660999 8.159000 -21.872000 3064 HOH HETATM O 1.0 48.790001 A
2511 2513 O -69.189003 8.275000 -36.944000 3065 HOH HETATM O 1.0 44.000000 A

2512 rows × 13 columns

Column types:

DataFrame.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz_chainA_protein.mol2", verbose=True).dtypes
[16]:                 int32              string
atom.x                float32
atom.y                float32
atom.z                float32             string           string
atom.type              string
residue.subst_id        Int64
residue.subst_name     string
atom.charge           float32
dtype: object
DataFrame.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz.pdb", verbose=True).dtypes
[17]:                     int32                  string
atom.x                    float32
atom.y                    float32
atom.z                    float32                 string               string                string
atom.symbol                string
atom.occupancy            float32
atom.bfactor              float32
atom.alternative_model     string
structure.chain            string
dtype: object

Load structural data as rdkit molecule

Note: rdkit is a cheminformatics toolkit that focuses on working with small molecules. Technically you can load protein structures as rdkit molecule, however we recommend to use this data structure for small molecules only.

From the mol2 format

From mol2 files: Return a mol2 file’s content as DataFrame (mol2 files can have 9 (default) or 10 columns).

Rdkit.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz_chainA_ligand.mol2")
Rdkit.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz_chainA_ligand.mol2", compute2d=False)

From mol2 text: Return a mol2 string (text) as DataFrame. This functionality is useful if you are fetching data directly from a website like KLIFS.

# Let's load a file's content as string (text) to simulate example input data
with open(DATA_PATH / "2itz_chainA_ligand.mol2", "r") as f:
    text =
Rdkit.from_text(text, "mol2")

Load structural data as biopython’s Structure objects

structure = Biopython.from_file(DATA_PATH / "2itz.pdb")
<Structure id=>
print(f"Number of residues: {len(list(structure.get_residues()))}")
Number of residues: 370