Source code for opencadd.structure.core

Core objects used across the library

from MDAnalysis import Universe
import numpy as np
import redo

[docs]class Structure(Universe): """ Core object to load structures with. Thin wrapper around MDAnalysis.Universe objects """
[docs] @classmethod @redo.retriable(attempts=10, sleeptime=2) def from_pdbid(cls, pdbid): import mmtf return cls(mmtf.fetch(pdbid))
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, pdbid_or_path, **kwargs): import os if os.path.isfile(pdbid_or_path): return cls(pdbid_or_path, **kwargs) return cls.from_pdbid(pdbid_or_path, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_atomgroup(cls, *args): """Create a new new :class:`Structure` from one or more ``AtomGroup`` instances. Parameters ---------- *args : ``AtomGroup`` One or more AtomGroups. Returns ------- structure : :class:`Structure` Raises ------ ValueError Too few arguments or an AtomGroup is empty and TypeError Arguments are not :class:`AtomGroup` instances. Notes ----- This is take straight from ``MDAnalysis.universe``. Refer to that module for more information. """ from MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory import MemoryReader from MDAnalysis.topology.base import squash_by from MDAnalysis.core import groups from MDAnalysis.core.topology import Topology from MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs import AtomAttr, ResidueAttr, SegmentAttr if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("Need at least one AtomGroup for merging") for a in args: if not isinstance(a, groups.AtomGroup): raise TypeError(repr(a) + " is not an AtomGroup") for a in args: if len(a) == 0: raise ValueError("cannot merge empty AtomGroup") # Create a new topology using the intersection of topology attributes blank_topology_attrs = set(dir(Topology(attrs=[]))) common_attrs = set.intersection(*[set(dir(ag.universe._topology)) for ag in args]) tops = set(["bonds", "angles", "dihedrals", "impropers"]) attrs = [] # Create set of attributes which are array-valued and can be simply # concatenated together common_array_attrs = common_attrs - blank_topology_attrs - tops # Build up array-valued topology attributes including only attributes # that all arguments' universes have for attrname in common_array_attrs: for ag in args: attr = getattr(ag, attrname) attr_class = type(getattr(ag.universe._topology, attrname)) if issubclass(attr_class, AtomAttr): pass elif issubclass(attr_class, ResidueAttr): attr = getattr(ag.residues, attrname) elif issubclass(attr_class, SegmentAttr): attr = getattr(ag.segments, attrname) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Don't know how to handle" " TopologyAttr not subclassed" " from AtomAttr, ResidueAttr," " or SegmentAttr." ) if type(attr) != np.ndarray: raise TypeError( "Encountered unexpected topology " "attribute of type {}".format(type(attr)) ) try: attr_array.extend(attr) except NameError: attr_array = list(attr) attrs.append(attr_class(np.array(attr_array, dtype=attr.dtype))) del attr_array # Build up topology groups including only those that all arguments' # universes have for t in tops & common_attrs: offset = 0 bondidx = [] types = [] for ag in args: # create a mapping scheme for this atomgroup mapping = {a.index: i for i, a in enumerate(ag, start=offset)} offset += len(ag) tg = getattr(ag, t) bonds_class = type(getattr(ag.universe._topology, t)) # Create a topology group of only bonds that are within this ag # ie we don't want bonds that extend out of the atomgroup tg = tg.atomgroup_intersection(ag, strict=True) # Map them so they refer to our new indices new_idx = [tuple([mapping[x] for x in entry]) for entry in tg.indices] bondidx.extend(new_idx) if hasattr(tg, "_bondtypes"): types.extend(tg._bondtypes) else: types.extend([None] * len(tg)) if any(t is None for t in types): attrs.append(bonds_class(bondidx)) else: types = np.array(types, dtype="|S8") attrs.append(bonds_class(bondidx, types)) # Renumber residue and segment indices n_atoms = sum([len(ag) for ag in args]) residx = [] segidx = [] res_offset = 0 seg_offset = 0 for ag in args: # create a mapping scheme for this atomgroup's parents res_mapping = {r.resindex: i for i, r in enumerate(ag.residues, start=res_offset)} seg_mapping = {r.segindex: i for i, r in enumerate(ag.segments, start=seg_offset)} res_offset += len(ag.residues) seg_offset += len(ag.segments) # Map them so they refer to our new indices residx.extend([res_mapping[x] for x in ag.resindices]) segidx.extend([seg_mapping[x] for x in ag.segindices]) residx = np.array(residx, dtype=np.int32) segidx = np.array(segidx, dtype=np.int32) _, _, [segidx] = squash_by(residx, segidx) n_residues = len(set(residx)) n_segments = len(set(segidx)) top = Topology( n_atoms, n_residues, n_segments, attrs=attrs, atom_resindex=residx, residue_segindex=segidx, ) # Create and populate a universe coords = np.vstack([a.positions for a in args]) u = cls(top, coords[None, :, :], format=MemoryReader) return u
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): # Workaround for if self.dimensions is None: self.trajectory.ts._unitcell = np.zeros(6) return self.atoms.write(*args, **kwargs)