

MMLigner (Collier et al., 2017) works by minimizing the ivalue of the alignment. The ivalue is based on the Minimum Message Length framework (Wallace and Boulton, 1968; Wallace, 2005), a Bayesian framework for statistical inductive inference. The ivalue represents the hypothetical minimum message length needed to transmit the computed alignment losslessly (Shannon, 1948). Using the ivalue measure, the algorithm creates crude-but-effective strucural alignments rapidly to act as seeds. These seeds are iteratively refined over an Expectation-Maximization approach using the I-value criterion. By substracting the ivalue from the null model, the statistical significance of the alignment can be computed. If the difference is positive, the alignment is significant.

Collier, J.H., Allison, L., Lesk A.M., Stuckey, P.J., Garcia de la Banda , M., Konagurthu, A.S. (2017) Statistical inference of protein structural alignments using information and compression. Bioinformatics, 33(7), 1005-1013

Wallace,C.S. and Boulton,D.M. (1968) An information measure for classification. Comput. J., 11, 185–194.

Wallace,C.S. (2005) Statistical and Inductive Inference Using MinimumMessage Length. Information Science and Statistics. SpringerVerlag, New York, NY.

Shannon,C.E. (1948) A mathematical theory of communication. Bell Syst.Tech. J., 27, 379–423.


MMLignerAligner([executable, protein_selector])

Wraps MMLigner to superpose two protein structures.